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Our industries

Retail, automotive, industry and utilities – we offer tailor-made solutions that optimize your business processes and strengthen your competitiveness.

Learn more about our expertise and how we can help you achieve your goals.

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The pressure for change is particularly great in the retail sector: e-commerce vs. city centers, online marketplaces vs. branches, increased customer expectations vs. years of traditional processes, waiting a week vs. same-day delivery.

With our broad service portfolio, we optimize and transform all links in the value chain.

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The automotive industry has already experienced – and overcome – many changes through automation, modularization, rationalization and many other hurdles. With new topics such as electromobility, environmentally friendly drive concepts, AI and modern technologies, it is still important to find innovative solutions in this industry.

So that mobility companies can concentrate fully on this change, we provide support with reliable and innovative software consulting.

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Through constant networking, precise monitoring mechanisms and extensive analyses, digital change is also taking place continuously in the industrial sector. Companies have to face challenges such as the use of AI in warehouse logistics, the distinction between individual and series production or automation in the production connection and the warehouse.

In addition, there are new requirements such as the Supply Chain Act, which provides for tracking of the entire supply chain.

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image ososoft branchen utilities nav teaser


The energy and water industries are facing major changes due to advancing digitalization. New technologies such as smart metering or blockchain are increasing efficiency, and networking is also increasing the demands on IT security and data protection.

Our industry-specific ERP and IoT solutions help our customers implement new business models quickly and securely.

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